Thursday, May 8, 2008

SubmitSport's MMA fighter gets the guillotin and pulls a win

I like watching MMA. I am a mere spectator of the sport, hooked by my boyfriend Mike Ludens who instructs Team SubmitSport in MMA in Walworth, Wisconsin (near Lake Geneva).

MMA is the most entertaining sport I have ever seen. Talk about taking it the limit. The players in MMA are some of the most dedicated, motivated, uncompromising professionals in sports today.

The thing about MMA that's completely thrilling is the pure heart, integrity, and respect the fighters have for the sport and each other. I am also learning that with MMA, it's not over 'til its over. The underdog can always rise up again. Never underestimate the looked-to-be beaten fighter; what looks like the last leg can often turn into a comeback, takedown, and a win.

That wasn't the case with Mike Luden's SubmitSport fighter Phil Zwieg. On the top of his game from the beginning he finished strong to the end. If you've never seen MMA in action take a peak at the video. If you are an MMA fan, you'll like this one.

Monday, May 5, 2008

How to manage groceries and kids at the same time.

How are you multi-tasking these days? With three young children, a busy professional life, and a personal one as well, juggling isn't a hobby, but an everyday occurence for me.

In an effort not to leave everything on the backburner, I have experimented with a few things to help make life manageable. One that I am constantly changing up is my grocery shopping.

Shopping with three children is not just an inconvenience, but it can also be an act of insanity. They don't like it and either do I. So I try to go on my lunch now from work, but that still means I bring my nearly 3 year old son with me. Not much fun.

Enter Peapod. The completely maintenance free alternative to the grocery store. The prices are higher than your local supermarket or Super Walmart, although you can use coupons. Peapod also runs specials and you can see how much you are spending as the groceries pile up in your cart.

The drivers have always been gracious when they came to my house and the delivery was right to my kitchen, making it a very convenient option. If you can stomache spending a bit more for your purchases, you might want to give them a try.

Now I see that has launched a grocery delivery service. Hmm....I might just have to check it out. Check back in for a review of their service.

Happy Monday and stress free shopping to you.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Selfish isn't such a dirty word

As a mom, you learn from others.  Friends, family, co-workers, magazines and media,that being selfish is not only unacceptable, it is illogical.  You are a parent, and as a parent, you will always come second.  Your kids always need to come first.

Oh, I subscribed to this logic, sometimes probably even playing the martyr card with statements like, "Moms aren't allowed to get sick", "My life is my children, I don't have another life".  

I was never disgruntled at my children for this.  I always feel very grateful to be a mom.  It is great to watch my young children grow and to receive their love.  I have always wanted to be a mom, and I would never turn back from this.

As far as subscribing to this "secret code", where you can't be selfish and you can't have your own life it's just not so. I am done buying into that club.  To not have a life outside of parenthood is just not healthy for myself or my kids.

I am not condoning becoming a bar fly or neglecting your children's needs.  Here's my deal:

  • If I feel sick, I will rest, the house can wait.

  • If I need some alone time, the kids can play quietly in another room for awhile.  It's o.k.

  • If I want to have an adult dinner or go out to an adult event I will not feel guilty that I am not spending every breathing moment with my children.

  • If my children do not eat all the food on their plates, I don't morph into a human garbage disposal.  I throw the leftovers in the garbage.

  • If I want to plan a vacation outside of our family vacations that does not involve bringing children along, even if it is just a 2 or 3 day getaway, I am going to do it.

  • If I want to buy a dress for myself and my kids have what they need, I am going to buy it.

  • If adding on one more activity is going to send my family's schedule into commuting hell, with no downtime at home or just to lounge or for my kids to just be kids, then I am saying no.

Being a little selfish is akin to breathing your own oxygen.  A necessary and vital part of life for any parent, single, married, working or stay at home.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  If the "Moms for Martyrs" club comes knocking at your door, Smile pretty and just say "No".


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Resurrection of a blog kind

It's back. It's my personal blog and I am ready to jump start it again. Poor thing got tired of waiting by the road side for some spare tires, and pulled a Herbie on me by leaping out of my email.

This morning while I was trying to clean out my inbox I ran across an email from last year (I have a lot of spring cleaning to do). It was an email about my personal blog and how it truly reflected my voice. The email was a reminder to keep my voice in my corporate blog.

I had been meaning to keep this blog active. I had good intentions, and all that great stuff. The more I got involved in blogging and social networking, the more I found myself drifting from my personal blog.

I am truly excited to have been pre-empted to return. I really meant to.....well, now I am here...for good.

Here are a few things that have kept me busy, Check 'em out when you can.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Finding time alone with each of my children

My son and I went out for lunch today. Typically I don't eat lunch out. I have been working from a home office for 7 years, and find as a telecommuter that whatever I can fix quickly and eat at my desk is my soup du jour.

Through some (hint, hint) suggestions from my children for their time with mom I have initiated lunch alone time.

Today was my son Zach's turn. We dined on breakfast food at a local Lake Geneva diner. It was the typical eggs and toast fare, but it tasted great. The best eggs and toast I can remember.

I am a single mom. Normally I don't make this a point of conversation but thru a divorce and life events, it has actually proven to strengthen attributes I never knew existed.

Today I am declaring my single mom status for one reason. I have ignored the fact that while my children and I do alot together we don't do alot together one-on-one. I have three young children ages 2, 6, and 10, and I am their main caretaker.

Time alone with each individually has always seemed impossible. Then last week I told myself that it was time to make some changes.

So I set into motion Phase One of Project Alone Time. Three days a week, I am taking a lunch break from my work. Each of these days will be spent with my children individually for lunch.

My 6 year old and 10 year old will pick the restaurant. The 2 year old and I will sack lunch to the park.

Today was the first day of our new endeavor and it was grand. We went to Grandma Vickie's in Lake Geneva, sat at the counter (which my son thought was very cool), and talked about whatever was on his mind. Questions sprouted such as "What are clouds made of?" to comments like "The best thing about going back to school will be learning how to make things".

So moms, dads, caretakers with kids take note: This was the best vitamin I have taken yet, with no tangy aftertaste and immediate results.